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21 - 23 MAY 2025

長島 純 (Lt-Gen Jun Nagashima, JASDF Retired)

長島 純 (Lt-Gen Jun Nagashima, JASDF Retired)

長島 純 (Lt-Gen Jun Nagashima, JASDF Retired)

元航空自衛隊幹部学校長, Former Commandant, Air Command and Staff College

経歴:1960年生まれ。防衛大学校第29期生。筑波大学大学院修士課程地域研究科卒(欧州安全保障)。ベルギー防衛駐在官(兼NATO連絡官)、統合幕僚監部首席後方補給官(J4)、情報本部情報官(J2)などを歴任。2013年より制服組の将官として初めて内閣審議官(危機管理担当)を務める。2014年より国家安全保障局(NSS)審議官を兼任。2019年8月幹部学校長を最後に航空自衛隊を勇退。専門は危機管理・軍備管理、主要著作:「弾道ミサイルの拡散問題と東アジアの安全保障」(『新防衛論集』1994年11月号、防衛学会)※平成6年度神谷不二賞受賞、「NATO変革の深化と日本」(『海外事情』2005年11月、拓殖大学海外事情研究所)、「朝鮮半島の地政学的リスク - 日米同盟へのインプリケーション -」(『エアパワー研究』(第5号)平成30年12月15日、航空自衛隊幹部学校)など。 NATO国防大学(将官・大使コース)、アジア太平洋安全保障研究センター(多国間安全保障協力コース)修了。 




Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of Security Studies, National Defense Academy. Senior Research Adviser, Nakasone Peace Institute & Executive Member.


Lieutenant General (Retired) Jun Nagashima was born in 1960 in Tokyo, Japan. He served as a Government of Japan Cabinet Councillor starting in August 2013 and also as Deputy Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary, National Security Secretariat, from January 2014. He is the first military officer to hold the position of Cabinet Councillor in Japan. As an intelligence expert, his extensive career includes critical assignments as Defense Attaché, Liaison Officer to NATO and the EU, Embassy of Japan in Belgium; Director, Logistics (J-4), Joint Staff Office; and Defense Intelligence Officer, Defense Intelligence Headquarters. He retired in August 2019. He is a graduate of the National Defense Academy and earned his Master’s Degree (European Security) from Tsukuba University. He attended the “Generals, Flag Officer and Ambassador Course” at NATO Defense College and “Transnational Security Cooperation Course” at APCSS.


He is a prolific writer of academic essays including “Proliferation of Ballistic Missile and Security of East Asia,” The Journal of National Defense (Nov,1994) which won the prestigious 1994 Kamiya Fuji prize, “UK–Japan cooperation in response to electronic warfare,” Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs(March,2021) , Will the digital nation Ukraine triumph over Russia?, Nikkei BP (July,2022), etc.
