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21 - 23 MAY 2025

西 正典 (Mr Masanori Nishi)

西 正典 (Mr Masanori Nishi)

西 正典 (Mr Masanori Nishi)

元防衛事務次官, Former Administrative Vice Minister of Defence

学歴 東大 法学士 (bachelor of law )

オックスフォード大学でマイケル・ハワード(Michael Howard)教授の指導を受け国際関係論修士(M.Litt. of   International Relations)
2004年技術研究本部副本部長としてSM-3 Bloc2Aの開発に関与。


Former Administrative Vice Minister of Defence


Masanori Nishi has been a Special Adviser to the Minister of Defense since August of 2017 till October of 2018 after holding the role previously from 2015-2016. Mr. Nishi has held numerous roles at the Ministry of Defense such as Director General of the Bureau of Finance and Equipment, Director General of the Bureau of Defense Policy. As an Administrative Vice Minister of Defense, he examined the promotion of the defense industry and procurement system, reconsidered traditional Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology, introduced F-35, coordinated the submarine export project to Australia, established the Legislation for Peace and Security, reviewed Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation, and launched Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency.


Mr. Nishi first joined Japan Defense Agency (JDA) in April of 1978 and through the years held various roles in the Secretarial Division, Bureau of Personnel, Bureau of Equipment, NAHA Defense Facility Bureau. In 2006, he was involved in the development of the SM-3 Bloc2A as Deputy Director General, the Technical Research and Development Institute.
