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DSEI JAPAN Conference

The DSEI Japan conference in Tokyo will examine the key challenges facing countries in the Indo-Pacific region as they work promoting balance and collaboration between nations.

As Japan's defense budget reaches an all-time high of US$48.5 billion, Japan's engagement with external partners is increasing dramatically. The resurgence of its defense capabilities has made Japan a key point for trade in the Asia-Pacific region, necessitating greater communication with the rest of the world. It also raises important questions about the interoperability of existing platforms and partnerships in key areas.

In line with these developments, the next DSEI Japan will examine the challenges to achieving security in Asia and the waters surrounding it. Through this, it brings about alliances and cooperation within the region and between remote regions.

About the conference

The conference will explore security challenges that are important to countries and defense communities in the Indo-Pacific region. We will discuss how emerging technologies can be developed and deployed to gain and maintain a competitive advantage in defense capabilities.

Discussions at the conference will also explore how advances in existing technology are enabling new ways and advances in the operation of traditional strategies. His topics include discussion of module design, operational capability performance evaluation, program investment balance, and the suitability of existing platforms to meet the rigors of the future operational environment.

Deeper cooperation with Southeast Asia and Europe is critical to enable cost-effective and efficient solutions. Although there are many things that can be gained through technological exchange, there remain issues regarding how Japanese companies can effectively conduct business on the international stage.

Japan's defense market is on its way to the forefront of international trade, and rapid market growth is on the horizon. The DSEI Japan conference provides a unique forum for discussion on how international markets expect Japan to develop.

  • 扱った議題はどれも重要で、参加できて非常によかったです。このような機会をいただき感謝します。
    ロバート・ギリエ海軍少将(Rear Admiral Robert Girrier)
  • 本当に楽しかったです。イベント全体素晴らしかったです。
    General Herbert “Hawk” Carlisle
    President & CEO – National Defence Industrial Association
  • この展示会は大いに成功を収めたと実感しています。イギリス国外で初めて開催されたDSEIだ、という事実がこれを物語っています。また、主催者やカンファレンスの重要メンバーの皆さんが私と同じくらいディスカッションの刺激や意義を感じていただけていればと思います。
    橋本 豪
    渥美酒井法律事務所 登録国際弁護士
  • DSEI Japanに参加して得られたチャンスに非常に感謝しています。世界でもトップレベルの講演者の皆様には数々の重要議題について非常に有益なご意見や知見を提供いただき、参加者すべてが非常に有用な知識を得てカンファレンスを後にすることができました。次回のDSEIでも同じ志を持った方々と交流できる機会を心待ちにしています。
    キャプテン・ニック・ミルワード(Captain Nick Millward)
    Infantry Officer, United States Marine Corps
  • I very much benefited and enjoyed my experience at DSEI Japan. The conference included excellent speakers in a well-organized set of panels and the industry floor had an impressive array of representatives. I came away smarter on the issues and with an invaluable stack of new contacts!
    ジョン・ブラッドフォード(John Bradford)
    President, Yokosuka Council on Asia-Pacific Studies
  • DSEIは、産業・政治・戦略リーダーらが1つの共同フォーラムに集い地域のセキュリティ課題について議論する日本で初めての場となりました。防衛・セキュリテイパートナーシップにおける日本のリーダー的立ち位置を示す極めて重要なイベントでしたもちろん、インド太平洋地域が世界の繁栄の中心となる時代が到来しつつある現在、日本が地域安定の支柱として成長していく中で、このようなイベントが一層開催されるようになるでしょう。
    ティム・ハフナー(Tim Haffner)
    J54 Strategic Relations Officer, US Forces Japan

We provide comprehensive content

DSEI Japan 2019 invited 45 world-class experts from 11 countries and approximately 1,400 delegates to provide a total of over 20 hours of programming over three days. 68% of survey respondents said they would love to attend an upcoming conference.

DSEI Japan is a conference where entries are judged and commented on by peers. It will feature technical, policy, and academic papers from all R&D communities, as well as discussions across defense, security, and other related communities.

Sessions will be held in both Japanese and English, with simultaneous interpretation available.