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若宮 健嗣 (Mr Kenji Wakamiya)

若宮 健嗣 (Mr Kenji Wakamiya)

若宮 健嗣 (Mr Kenji Wakamiya)

外務副大臣/元防衛副大臣, State Minister for Foreign Affairs/Former State Minister of Defense

若宮 健嗣(わかみや けんじ)
衆議院議員 東京都第5区選出(当選4回)
昭和36年9月2日    東京都生まれ
昭和55年3月    慶應義塾高等学校卒業
昭和59年3月    慶應義塾大学商学部卒業
昭和59年-平成2年    セゾングループ堤清二代表秘書
平成2年-平成17年    会社代表
平成17年9月    第44回衆議院議員選挙にて初当選
平成24年12月    第46回衆議院議員選挙にて2期目当選
平成25年9月    防衛大臣政務官(第2次安倍内閣)
平成26年12月    第47回衆議院議員選挙にて3期目当選
平成27年10月    防衛副大臣兼内閣府副大臣(第3次安倍改造内閣)
平成28年8月    防衛副大臣兼内閣府副大臣(第3次安倍第2次改造内閣)
平成29年10月    第48回衆議院議員選挙にて4期目当選
平成30年10月-令和元年9月    衆議院外務委員会委員長
令和元年9月    外務副大臣(第4次安倍第2次改造内閣)

1984   Graduated from the Faculty of Business and Commerce, Keio University

Business Career
1984-1990   Secretary to the representative of the Saison Group
1990-2005   Representative of a company

Political Career
2005-2009  Member of the House of Representatives under the Proportional Representation system
2012-2014   Member of the House of Representatives (Tokyo 5th District)
2014-2017   Member of the House of Representatives (Tokyo 5th District)
2017-       Member of the House of Representatives (Tokyo 5th District)

Current Responsibilities
State Minister for Foreign Affairs
Representatives 5th Electoral District Branch of Tokyo (LDP)
Deputy Chairperson, Research Commission on National Security (LDP)
Manager, Research Commission for the Promotion and Development of Okinawa (LDP)

Past Positions
State Minister of Defense
State Minister of Cabinet for Security
Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Defense
Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs
Director, Committee on Rules and Administration, House of Representatives
Director, Committee on Security, House of Representatives
Director, Committee on Economy, Trade and Industry, House of Representatives
Member, Special Committee on the Legislation for Peace and Security of Japan and the International Community, House of Representatives
Director, National Defense Division, Policy Research Council, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP)
Chief Secretary, Research Commission on National Security (LDP)
Deputy Director, Interest Group Policy Division, Party Organization and Campaign Headquarters (LDP),
among others